Devices to automate your home

Devices to automate your home

If you want to automate the lights, the blinds or any device in your home, you can easily achieve it without the need for large installations, advanced technical knowledge or a high budget. How? Choosing the right devices. Do you want to start home automation ? Take note!

Devices to domotize your house from scratch

Before buying these devices, you must take into account two important aspects: that they are compatible with the device that you are going to use to manage them; and that they are within the range of connectivity . For example, it is useless to install a camera in the garden to control it by WiFi if the signal does not reach there later.

Dimmable or electronic switches

One of the easiest steps to start automating your home is to change the switches for dimmable or electronic ones. With this small gesture you can program, turn on, or turn off the lights in each room from your mobile phone. If you also install motion sensors, you can program the lights to turn on when you enter a room and turn off when you leave. If you’re looking for the perfect place to call home, come take a look at these new apartments for rent in Springfield.

smart plugs

The next step to domotize your house from scratch is to replace the plugs with smart ones. Then, through a mobile application, you can control all the devices you plug into them, from the television, to stereos, lamps, etc. An interesting option is TP-Link Tapo’s P100 plugs .

smart speakers

Another of the essential devices to domotize your home are the speakers. Beyond launching voice commands to play music or search for a recipe on the Internet, they will serve as a command center to unify the rest of the devices you connect. Thus, instead of programming the lights through a mobile app, it will suffice to tell the speaker: “turn on the light in the living room”.

Among the most suitable for home automation, we highlight the new Amazon Echo for their small size, for their excellent value for money and, above all, because they are compatible with Zigbee, an open standard present in, for example, Philips Hue light bulbs. , so you can save the hub.

Devices to automate your home

Security cameras

Security is one of the key points in home automation, and in this sense, cameras that are controlled via WiFi or Bluetooth Low Energy are a good option. You should look at their optical megapixels, the recording resolution, the viewing angle they have, if they have night vision, if they have motion sensors, or if they include a system that allows you to listen or speak through them.

smart thermostat

You can also replace the conventional thermostat with a smart one to control the heating, even if you are away from home, or program it to heat up before you get home. The one from Tado° is a good option, since it can be controlled from Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant and also includes other extra functions. For example, it tells us how the air quality is in our house or informs us when we have left a window open.

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