The most interesting websites to translate texts for free

The most interesting websites to translate texts for free

On many occasions, the main bibliography on a given topic is written in another language, and although it is possible to find information about it in our own language, it is quite limited. In these cases, you will have to show off your skills with other languages ​​to find what you need and be able to translate the texts before you. But if you don’t feel capable, don’t worry, there is a solution and it’s free: take note of the best online translators that will get you out of trouble!

Which free online translator to choose?

Understanding a scientific text or with a very technical vocabulary in another language is difficult, even if your level is good. In order to solve your doubts about the rarest words, you will have to use the dictionary, but on many occasions, this task can greatly slow down the translation time of a text and, above all, it can provide a meaning that may be far from reality. .

Fortunately, there are many online translators who are able to offer you a quick and efficient solution. In addition, this method can also help you if you are traveling and do not have a dictionary at hand. In some cases, you can even incorporate them , into the best applications to go on vacation

Surely you have ever messed with the translation options that Google offers you for some web pages , which for something quick, can give us a clue of what we are looking for, but there are other translators that can help you in more depth to translate what you are looking for. want in many languages ​​and more rigorously. Best of all, most of them are free:

Google translator

The Google translator is a classic and is undoubtedly the best known and one of the most used in the world. Although years ago it was not very reliable since it used a literal translation of the texts. Today it is more reliable and is capable of quickly translating texts and websites into more than 100 languages, although not all with the same expertise .

Bing Traslator

It is developed by Microsoft and will allow you to translate texts from Word or Skype. Also, if you have a computer with a Windows operating system, you can talk to different people who use different languages ​​thanks to its Microsoft Translator program . This will allow you to write in any language and for the person who receives your message to do so in their mother tongue, simply and simultaneously.

Collins Dictionary Translator

The Collins dictionary is one of the best in the world, although you know it in its paper format and in its English version, it is available in different languages ​​and has its own website to perform searches quickly and efficiently.

In addition to being one of the best dictionaries in almost any language, it has a very powerful translator that will allow you to translate complete texts in more than 30 languages. One of its best functions is that with it you can automatically detect the source language of the text and adapt it to the one you need. Also, if you want to listen to the translated words or text, it has a function for that.


It is one of the most powerful since it has the technology developed by some of the most important computer companies in the world such as Google or Microsoft.

This online translator will allow you to carry out text translations in a simple way, you just have to select the source and destination language and enter the text you want to translate. Because it uses several different translators , different options will appear so you can select the text that best suits your needs. In this way, you will be able to compare the different translations and select the one that you like the most.


It has translations for 42 languages , although without a doubt its best asset is from English to Spanish. It is a tool that uses the most advanced artificial intelligence techniques , which allows it to learn the use of the language in different languages ​​to offer the user the best results.

Although the technology is state-of-the-art , its operation is very simple and intuitive. You just have to go to the website and copy the text you need to translate. One of its best features is that you can translate the information of entire web pages.


It is a free real – time and automatic translation website . Its operation is simple: you must enter the text you want to translate in the corresponding section and its software will adapt the final translation to achieve the best result. It is available in 44 languages .

One of its main features is that it has a voice recognition tool with which it will be much easier for you to translate your texts, especially if it is information in your mother tongue into any other language. Thanks to this website, you will be able to dictate the texts so that they are automatically translated into the selected language.


It is a very powerful tool that will allow you to translate texts in 77 different languages. The best thing about this program is that you can download its software to your computer to be able to use it both online and offline.

Its developers have applied a technology capable of recognizing characters in documents that have been scanned or files created in PDF, so it won’t be necessary to enter a text to be able to translate it. This is one of its main advantages, since you will be able to translate entire documents.

Now you have no excuses to find the best online translations for free. Without a doubt, the use of these translators will help you improve your level in any language, something that will allow you to better understand the texts and will save you a lot of time searching for information.

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