How to Use Wireless Earphones for Durable and Comfortable

How to Use Wireless Earphones

With advances in technology, people can listen to music using various small devices connected to smartphones. For example earphones or headphones. How to use wireless earphones , aka without cables, is also not difficult.

Earphone refers to a music listening device inserted into the ear. Meanwhile, headphones are larger in shape because they cover the ears and have a connection that surrounds half of the head.

Wireless Technology

Before wireless technology existed, listening to music with earphones or headphones had to rely on cables. Where does this cable connect it to a smartphone or other device that is the source.

Of course the use of this cable often creates new problems. For example something stuck or make users hassles. Often the network in it becomes broken or damaged so that the sound becomes unbalanced.

Wireless or wireless technology makes listening to music with earphones very easy. No longer need to bother with messy cables. This technology uses a connection network called Bluetooth.

By using a Bluetooth connection, users can easily activate both the earphones and the device. Then connect or connect between the two devices.

So that music playback from the device can be heard through earphones without the need for a cable connection again. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the distance capabilities of the Bluetooth earphone and the device. Usually 10 meters, but sometimes less.

How to Use Wireless Earphones

As previously mentioned, the way to use wireless earphones is to activate the Bluetooth connection. Although there are various brands and types, the important thing is to have a Bluetooth connection feature.

  • Activate the Bluetooth connection on the Earphones. Press the “Power” button on the earphones. Usually there will be a flashing color to indicate that the earphones are active.
  • Do the “Pairing” Mode. This mode is intended to connect the earphones with the music player device used. For example a smartphone or tablet. Depending on the type of earphone used, usually by pressing the multifunction button (button for receiving phone calls) for a few seconds.
  • Turn on Bluetooth on the Device. To do this, enter the “Settings” menu on the device used. Find the Bluetooth option then enable it. Later the device will perform a “scan” process or scan other devices that can be connected. After finding it, do the connection settings. You do this by selecting the detected Bluetooth earphones.
  • Connect the Two Devices. A notification will appear in the form of a PIN to be input. On some sophisticated devices, you don’t even need a PIN anymore. So they can be directly connected to each other.

After connecting, a notification will appear that the connection is running. That way the earphones can be used to listen to songs from the music player device that was connected earlier.

Using Other Functions of Wireless Earphones

The way to use the wireless earphones mentioned above is how to connect the earphones to a device whose purpose is to listen to music. Here’s how to use the other functions that wireless earphones have in general:

1. Stop Music

In general, to stop the music you are listening to is by pressing the button on the earphones for a few seconds. Read the manual, where exactly is the button.

Because each type of earphone can have a different design, some have a button on the left. But some brands are also on the right. To turn on the music again, do so by pressing the same button.

2. Forward and Rewind the Song

Depending on the brand and type of earphones used, it’s usually enough to touch the sensor twice. But each type is different, some use the right sensor to advance the song, and the left sensor to rewind. Read the user manual.

3. Receiving and Turning Off Phone Calls

Just like muting and turning on music, the same button can be used to take and mute phone calls.

Advantages of Using Wireless Earphones

When compared to earphones that use cables, there are many advantages that can be utilized by using these wireless earphones, as explained below:

  • More practical. Because there is no need to bother with a troublesome cable.
  • Reduces the potential for cable damage. If it is accidentally snagged or pulled, often the delicate cable network inside is broken. Finally, the sound that is heard becomes unbalanced or even no sound.
  • The battery can last up to 6-8 hours. The charging process is also easy and fast.
  • Bluetooth technology allows for ‘pairing’ with several devices at once.
  • Feel the ‘hands-free’ experience, free to move without obstacles even though the music still sounds comfortable to the ear.

To find out the details on how to use wireless earphones, you really have to read the manual carefully. Because each brand and type of earphone can be used differently. Including the distance of the Bluetooth connection. But in principle you can follow the steps above.

This includes how to charge the battery and how long it can be used. So don’t run out of power while listening to music.

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