Best graphic adventure games

Best graphic adventure games

In recent years, the debate about the categorization of graphic adventure as a video game genre has occupied a central place in the academy of the sector. The fact of focusing its essence on the narrative of the story rather than on the game mechanics has generated controversy, but today it is still one of the most followed video game categories, especially if they come from certain studies that have focused their efforts on it. And precisely in this report we will talk about which are the most important in recent years.

Generally, they have a poor gameplay but that will force you to always pay attention to the command, either to move around the scenarios, to make a series of decisions in the dialogues or to make a quick time event , that is, to press a series of keys quickly to trigger an action.

If you are fascinated by the genre and you don’t know much about it, stay here because we will show you the most notable of recent years .

The most famous graphic adventure games

The Secret of Monkey Island

Developed by LucasFilm Games, it is one of the first works of the genre that managed to explode thanks to its fun story and very charismatic characters who were able to perfectly convey the essence of the atmosphere. Its unique art was what managed to grab the attention of the audience, but it was its puzzles and environment interaction mechanics that completely captivated them. To this day, he remains one of the main references.


It’s an excellent turn-of-the-century third – person point-and-click in which we follow the adventures of Kate Walker, a lawyer who travels to Russia to oversee the purchase of the company she works for, which has acquired a automata. Not only is the story very intriguing, but it also has puzzles and bizarre situations that we have to solve with cunning and patience.

Blacksad: Under the Skin

It is an adaptation made by the Spaniards at Pendulo Studio of a homonymous comic. The story is practically identical to the original, but we get more involved in it by participating in detective work . It deals with quite adult themes and its puzzle-solving mechanics are quite simple, although each case is unique and never ends up being monotonous.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

The title will make us relive the events of the First World War through the story of four people who meet a German soldier who longs for his beloved. In the background, we will reflect on certain themes that revolve around the war conflict while, with the help of Walt, a friendly dog, we have to progress through each level by solving puzzles and dialoguing with various characters. It has a very high dramatic load and tragic moments that will help you rethink many aspects of life.

Grim Fandango Remastered

LucasArt created a work in 1998 that would go down in history thanks to its aesthetics and its particular narrative, whose depth and richness of plot conquered the hearts of all those curious who approached him. The protagonist of it, Manny Calavera, is an agent of the Department of Death who is dedicated to marketing luxury trips to souls, giving rise to strange situations and a plot of corruption that will turn his life upside down. His artistic style drinks a lot from the Mexican culture , so it will be difficult to find something similar.

Life is Strange

Beautiful indie music according to each situation, a quite remarkable drawing, a story surrounded by enigmas and intrigue, very charismatic characters and a plot with constant plot twists that will keep you glued to your seat. Its gameplay mechanics are very basic, but the narrative shines enough to hide its shortcomings. The adventures experienced in Arcadia Bay will remain forever in your memory as an indelible memory.

Heavy Rain

Quantic Dream has been able to build a psychological thriller that will constantly confuse the player who puts himself at the controls of the 4 protagonists of the work, in which we have to constantly make decisions that change the drift of the story quite a bit. The plot, with an excellent reception by the public, follows the adventures of a murderer who leaves origami papers at crime scenes and that we have to find by following a series of clues. The protagonists of it have a very strong personality that will reach our hearts and the events that surround them will affect us as if it happened to ourselves.

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