How to Get Youtube Subscribers?-Top tips to increase your Youtube Subscribers

The best way to start achieving YouTube marketing goals is to grow your fellowship/ followership or subscribers.

Getting many subscribers isn’t the only one factor for the success. This article will lead you to-

How to see where you are currently standing on YouTube?

And the tips to increase your subscribers.


After starting a YouTube channel, it is very important to know where you are and what is your position. You have to know how people are taking your YouTube videos.

To know how the people are responding to your videos that you have already posted, check the analytics.

Click on Analytics. There you will see statistics for all the videos that you have uploaded on your channel.

Click in “This month” and select 365 days, last quarter to get the maximum data.

As long as your channel is official, or after uploading a good number of videos, you should be able to view some engagement metrics i.e. like, dislike, comment, and share.

If you found that you are getting too many dislikes compared to the like or you are not getting enough shares and comment then, it may reflect that you may need some new different approaches with respect to your videos.

Follow the process

Click on “Audience Retention” located on the sidebar. From this, you can get more information about the nature of the people’s engagement with your videos.

You will get the duration of the time for which the people watch your videos.

The top-left corner provides you the average view duration.

NOTE: Any value above the 50% is good, 60-70% is better and 30-40 is low.

If you got a 30-40% value, then you have to think more about it to get the high value.

How to increase your YouTube subscribers?

Nowadays, people check own and other subscribers and followers to check either they are getting popular or not.

We think that getting more subscribers is like getting more fans and getting more popular. And it’s true. To become popular, most of the people start making youtube videos. But they don’t increase their subscribers.

Here are the top tips to increase your youtube subscribers.

1. Give quality and valuable videos

Providing quality and valuable videos for the viewers is the most important and catchy step to follow.

You must have to make sure that your video is providing a valuable message and the quality is good for the viewers.

2. Optimize

You have to also remember the keyword application for the title and the description of your video. To get more and more viewers, the keyword plays an important role.

3. Subscribe to other channels

Subscribing to other channels may create positive vibes to the respective one and the respective creators may also feel like subscribing to your channel.

4. Reply to comments, interact with the existing subscribers, top fans

Try to reply to all the comments on your vides. You won’t regret it. Loyal view comments, likes, and shares mean more for you. Also, create communication with your top fans and existing subscribers.

5. See what your competitors are doing

Make sure that you are along with your competitors. This are the most important tips. You have to know what type of content will get maximum likes, views, subscribers, shares, and comments. Get more knowledge about :

Posting materials, days and the times of posting the videos, posting frequency.

All these tips are mentioned to be followed by the YouTubers to increase your subscribers and fans.

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