How to Speed ​​Up Telkomsel Network with Several Methods

elkomsel Network

For Telkomsel users, of course, a fast internet connection is an important aspect. But sometimes, Telkomsel’s signal also has problems so it’s slow. If you experience a condition like this, then you must first know how to speed up the Telkomsel network with several methods.

In order for the Telkomsel network to return to being fast and stable, there are several methods that can be applied. Telkomsel users who want this problem under control, then consider the following list of methods and descriptions:

1. Ensure Enough Battery

A good first method to speed up the network is to make sure the battery is sufficient. Many underestimate the condition of the battery. In fact, many doubt the connection between the HP battery and the internet network.

When in fact, the amount of battery power will have a big influence on the available internet network. To achieve a stable internet connection, about 40 percent of power and above are required. This has become an aspect that must be known.

If the battery power is below 40 percent, the network may be weak. This has nothing to do with the number of quotas owned. Therefore, first make sure the battery is sufficient so that the internet connection is stable again.

2. Move Position

Then for the second method that can be used is to move positions. By moving places or positions, it is likely that the network that appears will also increase. This can be the easiest alternative to do.

When in a closed room, the network will be difficult to enter and reach the cellphone. In this condition, it is highly recommended to move to an open place that can be reached by Telkomsel signal.

Although Telkomsel has become one of the providers that reaches many areas, it does not mean that every detail will be affordable. So when the network weakens, just try to move to a much more open section.

3. Use Airplane Mode Temporarily

Another way to speed up the Telkomsel network that can be used is to use airplane mode. The airplane mode button is already available on the phone. The use actually varies, one of which is to restore the network to normal.

To do this, try pressing the airplane button until it lights up. Then press again until airplane mode turns off. Thus, the network will be restarted by the system and will look for new signals around.

This method is a relatively easy method to apply. The process is also not complicated or requires special things. Usually, this method can give good results and the tissue can return to normal and faster.

4. Close Unused Apps

Applications that are still open in the background of the cellphone can also be one aspect that causes the Telkomsel network to not be fast. All applications that are open even if only in the background can also suck up the network to use.

If the network is used by many applications, the user will feel the network is slow. Therefore, make sure all unused background applications are closed so that the network is not sucked in and can focus on only one type of application.

With this process usually the data and network can return to normal and return to normal. Many have proven that this method is quite effective to use. Thus, this method is also worth trying.

5. Turn off Updates in Play Store

The services on the Play Store are very diverse, one of which is automatic updates. It is true that this service is very helpful for users in updating. But indirectly, this system can affect the use of the internet network.

If this system is turned on, then the Play Store will update various applications without needing approval. This will make the network used every time. Thus, the network will also slow down.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to take advantage of how to speed up the Telkomsel network by turning off this service. If later there is something you want to update, just do the update manually without turning on the automatic system.

6. Change Network Settings

If all the above processes do not produce results, then the last resort that can be used is to change the network settings on the cellphone. This network setting must also be adjusted to the device used.

If the network is already 4G or even 5G but the device does not support it, the network will also slow down. Therefore, it is important to make changes to the network used. Here’s how to change it:

  • Go to the settings section on the HP.
  • Then go to the “SIM Card” section and select the “Network Settings” option.
  • After that, there will be several types of networks that have been provided. Just choose one network type and save changes.
  • If so, try the internet network on your cellphone. If the internet network has not improved, then try to enter the settings again and select another network type.

All ways to speed up the Telkomsel network can of course be directly tried and applied. Try one method first to solve it. If the chosen method does not work, then immediately try another method until the network improves.

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