Splatoon 3, the polychromatic shooter

Splatoon 3, the polychromatic shooter

Splatoon 3 was one of the main announcements that Nintendo made for its portable console in a Nintendo Direct at the beginning of 2021. Since then, the colorful shooting game has been presenting what will be the main novelties that its next installment will experience , without a doubt one of the great exclusives of the portable console.

Its arrival is scheduled for September 9 , so you still have time to reserve it and find out everything that is coming: in this guide you will find all the information compiled and easy to stay up to date in just a few minutes!

The peculiar multiplayer shooter , which deviates quite a bit from the mechanics and objectives of the games of the genre, has become for its own reasons one of the most recognizable IP of the Japanese company . If you still haven’t fallen in love with the benefits of the work, try it and enjoy its unique gameplay to the fullest!

This will be the new mechanics of Splatoon 3

New weapons in the arsenal of Splatoon 3

The main gameplay of the game will be territorial combat , in which two teams of four players face each other to fill as much of the surface as possible with their ink. To do this, they have three weapons: main, secondary and special.

All this will be maintained but with more alternatives, since new weapons and objects have been introduced that can not only be used to attack, but also to improve the character’s mobility . The main novelties are:

  • An improved megabubble that will be similar to the one we already knew but larger and with more range. Now she won’t be able to move, but will stand still to defend that area.
  • The tentacular hook, with which you will become a kind of ninja octopus and you will be able to move in stealth and move between walls to return to your starting point after a while.
  • The Triple Tintazuca , which was already present in the game but whose performance has been improved: it now has a powerful 3-burst shot. Its use will be limited, since its magazine is only 3 bullets.
  • The Tri-Stinger , which functions as a bow that shoots arrows in 3 directions or a powerful shot that freezes the target before exploding.
  • The 5.1 Tintophone , a kind of laser beam that chases the enemy you aim at until it reaches its target and hits it.
  • The crabbot , a kind of car that has a cannon that does area damage and a gun. It has two modes: attack and movement, which takes the form of a sphere to move faster.
  • The angle of fire , a secondary weapon that leaves a stream of ink in a straight line that collides with surfaces and leaves a path for a while.
  • The Splasher 3,000 and the Tele Devastater keep their characteristics but change their appearance slightly.

New Splatoon 3 Maps

The game in general will take place on a different continent than the previous ones. Known as Tintelia, it will be a region with extreme weather conditions and full of adverse areas. The main scenarios in which we will play will be:

  • Crustacean Alleys, an old neighborhood in the center of the region where everyone gathers and is full of catwalks, which will make the combat very vertical.
  • Quemadura Gorge , which is in the middle of the desert.
  • Museo del Pargo, full of works of art and that will be the only return to Cromópolis.
  • Fumarola Gorge, a mountainous environment with irregular parts in the scenery.

All Splatoon 3 Game Modes

The best known modes of the franchise are multiplayer, but they will not be the only ones. To these will be added a single player story mode that will take us to live the story ‘The return of the mammals’ , in which we will handle Agent 3, who will fight against the Octarians in Alterna, a completely unknown area in the that we will see creatures with strange hair and that it will also appear on the map: when we come into contact with it, we will become invulnerable for a while. To get rid of it we will have to resort to our salmonoid.

Next to this will be the usual Territorial Combat , which remains the same except for one detail: now we can reappear at a specific point in the place we choose when we fall in combat.

In addition, a novelty is added: the Next Wave mode , similar to the Salmon Run but that will have new enemies (such as the Salmon King), scenarios and a new mechanic: we can use the ink to pass the golden eggs to our companions and Let them put it in the basket.

New Splatoon 3 Customization Options

The third edition of the shooter will have greater dimensions to customize the avatar that we handle: now, we will not only be able to choose whether to be inkling or octoling, but also the gender, more skin tones, more eye colors and many more hairstyles.

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