An easy way to get extra income without leaving your home are tasks online for money. Such work does not require any special skills and abilities from you. It will be enough to have a computer or smartphone connected to the Internet. Some websites with real online surveys for money release handy mobile apps that make it easy to complete tasks using your phone.
Today we will talk about how to make money online simple tasks. Consider all the features of this way of earning and the nuances to which you should pay attention.
Currently, the network has several options for tasks for easy money:
- Earn money by completing surveys;
- Interaction with social networks—likes, comments, reposts;
- Watching commercials or clicking on ads;
- Testing of games and mobile applications.
As a result, you can choose the right jobs depending on what exactly you are interested in.
Paying for your Opinion
The most common way to earn money is through real online surveys for money. Such sites pay only for the fact that you share your opinion. The interaction goes like this:
- Register on the site. Many companies conduct surveys for money, so you will have a choice.
- Fill out a personal questionnaire. It is most often necessary to indicate age, place of work, social status, the presence of children, marital status, and other parameters. If you have some unique skills and abilities, you should indicate this. This will open up additional ways for you to generate income.
- Wait for notification of a new test. Answer all questions honestly and wait for verification.
- Take the money. The withdrawal will be available to your e-wallet or bank card as soon as you collect the minimum amount.
Access to tasks online for money is free. How much you get for one test will depend on some factors. So, the time of passage affects—for micro tests, you will be paid less than for more serious tasks.
Earn money by completing surveys will not replace your full-time job. But this is a great way to get extra cash. If you have a few free hours during the day, why not put them to good use?
How to choose a site to complete tasks
At, you will find a list of the best site where you can take real online surveys for money. When selecting the right service, pay attention to the following parameters:
- Cost of paid tasks;
- Number of active users;
- Supported payment methods;
- The minimum amount for withdrawal;
- Requirements for respondents, etc.
Moreover, remember that you can make money online simple tasks without any prepayment. If you are required to deposit any amount to access the tasks, you are in front of scammers.