This is the Exciting and Simple Elgoog Dinosaur Game

Exciting and Simple Elgoog Dinosaur Game

Users of the Google search site must have seen a game that can be played when the internet network being used is offline. The name of the game is Dinosaur Game Elgoog . A game where the main character is a dinosaur that can jump.

The existence of this game will make Google users not bored, because they are waiting for the internet network that is currently offline. However, it can also be played without having to wait for the internet network to turn off. This simple game can keep many people entertained and also relieve boredom.

Below will be presented a little information on how to play the game and a little review of the game. For that, see the following more detailed explanation.

Elgoog Dinosaur Game Brief Review

Indeed, there are lots of games on Google that are very fun to play. However, there are rarely games that can be played when the internet network is slow or even dead. There is one game to fill your free time while waiting for the network to return to normal.

The game is called Dinosaur Game Elgoog or more commonly known as Dinosaur Game Google. Games provided by Google when the internet network being used is dead or slow. The Dinosaur Game will automatically appear when the network starts to slow down.

The concept of the game is very simple and there is no need to use complicated techniques. Players only need to use the keys on the keyboard to play it. Dino will also jump along the line. However, there are also challenges that must be passed or the dino will die.

The Dinosaur Game deserves to be the best game. Because, it can entertain Google users who may be annoyed because the internet network they are using is slow. So, it’s definitely worth checking out while it’s happening.

In fact, the game can also be played without having to wait for a slow internet network. Of course this is good news for Google users who like the game. Because, you can play the Dino game without having to wait for the network to slow down first.

How to Play Dinosaur Game Elgoog

There are two easy ways to play the duno game, namely via a PC and also a cellphone. The following will be explained in more detail and depth, let’s just follow:

1. How to Play Dinosaur Game on PC

Dinosaur Game Elgoog can be played on PCs as well as cellphones. So, below, an easy way to play the game on a PC will be presented. Come on, follow the easy way below:

  • Open the PC device that will be used to play.
  • Then on the Google page write chrome://dino site and press the enter key.
  • After that, a dino game will appear which is ready to be played.
  • Players just need to press the space key to start the exciting game.
  • Dino will immediately run and cross the existing line, avoid cacti and other obstacles so that the dino doesn’t die.
  • Press the up arrow button so the dino can jump over the cactus.
  • If you want to jump even higher, do a combination of the space key and the up arrow.
  • If you want the dino’s speed to decrease, you can press the down arrow key.
  • To stop temporarily, players can also press the alt and key keys simultaneously.
  • Of course, this game can be done easily and simply.

2. How to Play Dinosaur Game on Mobile

Apart from being on a PC, Dinosaur Game Elgoog can also be played on a cellphone. The method is also very easy and you only need to use the cellphone screen. So, of course it’s easier and you don’t need to use any buttons. Here’s how to do it in more detail:

  • Open the cellphone that will be used to play the game.
  • Then head over to the Google search site.
  • Then type in the search address chrome://dino and wait a bit.
  • Usually the dino game will immediately appear on the cellphone screen.
  • Players simply press the cellphone screen to play it.
  • Press on the screen so the dino can walk and cross the line.
  • If you want the dino to jump then long press until the dino can jump higher.
  • Don’t let go of the screen if you don’t want the dino to fall.
  • If the dino falls, the player has to start over from the beginning.
  • Just play the game casually and stay focused so that the dino can go to the end.

Advantages of Playing Dinosaur Games

There are various advantages that players will get when playing Dinosaur Game Elgoog. The following will explain what these advantages are. For more details, let’s follow the explanation below:

  • Can be used as entertainment while waiting for the internet network to recover.
  • It can also be used for entertainment at leisure.
  • Can be used as an option when bored playing games that drain the mind.
  • Users will not get bored while waiting for the normal network to return.
  • A simple game that can make the mind calm again.

That’s a glimpse of Elgoog’s Dinosaur Game, which so far has often appeared when the internet network was offline. Now, these games can also be played on purpose without having to wait for the internet network to slow down or even die.

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