These are the best Minecraft seeds

These are the best Minecraft seeds

Seeds or seeds are a very common concept in Minecraft, which are something like the DNA of each new world that is generated. When starting a new world or server, the option to generate a completely random one or to enter the code of an already predetermined one , which we are going to talk about precisely, in case you were looking for a specific map.

In this guide, we’ll show you a wide selection to get you started in a world that you know you’re going to like 100% based on its features, so you don’t have to risk starting over. We leave you the best below.

List of best Minecraft seeds

lake in the foothills of the mountain

  • Code : 5954432271391667228

It is one of the most beautiful snapshots we have seen in recent years. In reality, it is not a map that particularly stands out in anything, but lovers of exploration and photography will enjoy the view and the variety of biomes that follow one another to the fullest. It is a real wonder, which you can take advantage of to establish one of your secret bases.

Mushroom island in the middle of a frozen sea

  • Code : 8981820113723791468

If there is hardcore way to play Minecraft , that is in the mushroom islands, since there you will hardly find resources and you will be forced to explore anywhere to achieve it, with the risk of dying halfway and losing everything. What’s wrong. But it is precisely this difficulty that many people find attractive. In this seed you will have it even more complicated, since around there there is a lot of sea… and on top of that it is frozen!

A jungle for survival

  • Code : -2441518994148708457

Playing to survive in complex environments is very attractive to Minecraft users . And nothing like this seed to enjoy it, since in it you will find a modified jungle with a coral reef nearby and a wide variety of biomes around you. The challenge is to stay alive as long as possible.

caves everywhere

  • Code : 7421709957757988820

The caves are one of the most complicated places in Minecraft , since there you can find any kind of surprise when you least expect it. But going there is essential to get the best resources. In this seed, you will find several that are very complete and where you will find everything you need … so go for them!

true survival

  • Code : 209652155

If you really consider yourself an exceptional Minecraft player and you want to show it to your friends, this seed is perfect for you , since it contains an island quite far from the hand of God in which surviving will be a real odyssey. Give them a head start and start there (you’ll have to get there with creative flying or it’ll be impossible at first) and then catch them when they least expect it. The island is small, but it has a cave where you can provide yourself with various resources. For them!

The most complete Minecraft seed

  • Code : 2625094755235955149

If you have not yet been able to find the dark biome of the underground world , this is the best possible option, because as soon as you start you will find a tunnel that will take you to a rather complicated area, but in which you will find the great news of the last update. Of course, do not do it directly, take the opportunity to go through a good part of the map first and reinforce yourself with all the resources you can. If not, you will get there and die almost instantly. And best of all, there are several desert temples, so expect plenty of challenges.

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