Gotham Knights, the adventures of Batman’s pupils

Gotham Knights the adventures of Batman's pupils

His announcement aroused a lot of anticipation, and not just because we hadn’t been transported to Gotham in the world of video games in a long time. The funny thing is that it will not be the dark knight who stars in it, but her pupils, the companions who for years collaborated in her tasks. Gotham Knights will be an interesting multiplayer in which we will control Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing and Batgirl.

Produced by WB Games Montreal and developed by Rocksteady, everything indicates that it will follow a continuous logic of the Arkham —although its narrative will not be connected—, with an identical combat system but incorporating variations between the protagonists. The action will be unrestrained, the characters’ alternatives will be unique, and their gadgets will hold an important part not only of the combat, but also of the development of each level .

For all of you wondering: no, Batman will not be available in the game . In fact, the story unfolds because, after his death, his former assistants come together to keep his legacy alive. It seems clear from the first moment that the dark knight is neither here nor expected.

Everything we know about Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights release date

The Rocksteady title will be available from October 25, 2022, although it was initially scheduled to be released in 2021, a delay caused by changes in the way the developer works during the pandemic.

Platforms available for Gotham Knights

The video game of Batman’s assistants will be for PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series X/S and PC . At the moment, there is no news about cross-play, but considering that it is designed to be played in company, it is not unreasonable to think that it will be included.

Historia de Gotham Knights

The plot will plunge us into a city orphaned not only by its main hero , but also by the philanthropist Bruce Wayne. After his death, crime in Gotham has skyrocketed and several former companions of the dark knight receive a message on their cell phones from Wayne asking for their help to resolve the situation.

From what can be seen in the trailer, the main villain will be the group Court of Owls, a secret criminal organization commanded by the assassin Talon. But he will not be the only enemy to make an appearance: Mr. Freeze, Renee Montoya, Poison Ivy and the Penguin will have their moment of glory. Unlike in Arkham, the game will not take place in one night, but will take place over months.

It is likely that the game will have a main thread of quests and then a secondary one to defeat other enemies. What does seem clear is that the tone of the story will be dark and tragic, nothing that we would not expect from a world starring Batman. Also, the Batcave is over: now the knights will be organized from the Belfry, a headquarters created by Tim Drake.

Gameplay de Gotham Knights 

The new work of the dark knight will be open world , with several explorable neighborhoods. The map will be large, but to make it easier to move around, we’ll have several iconic vehicles as well as several instant travel methods — Robin will use Watchtower teleportation.

On this occasion the streets will not be empty, but rather the opposite: we will find citizens walking or driving vehicles. There will be cycles of day and night , and, in fact, there will be missions that only take place at specific times, such as Villainous Crimes, where we must first find clues to solve the unknowns and confront the culprit.

It will be a beat ’em up, something that ensures a lot of action. And the best: each character will have their own unique style and skill tree. Red Hood will attack with his pistols and a dirty street fight; Nightwing will be the expert acrobat with a mix of many fighting styles; Robin will focus more on a silent fight and use his many gadgets; and finally Batgirl will fight by efficiently mixing her tools and her agile combat style.

Co-op is just one option : you will be able to complete the title on your own with a single character, although the combat system is designed to combine the potential of each character. The multiplayer will be ‘drop in, drop out’ style, that is, the partner can enter and leave at any time during the game without affecting its course.

Gotham Knights is called to be one of the most important titles of the year . Counting on the success of the Arkham series, and taking into account that the idiosyncrasies will be similar, the dark knight’s pupils seem to have enough to say without accusing the long shadow of his teacher.

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