The games of the Metal Gear saga, ordered from worst to best

Thousands of articles have been written about it and, possibly, there is little more to say about it. Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear saga is one of those gems that has endured over the years thanks to the figure of its director, the charisma of its protagonists and a complex plot that involves so many plot twists that, on occasions, it is very difficult to follow.

In recent years, rumors have not stopped appearing about a remake of some of the first installments, something that has fueled the curiosity of those who had heard of it but never enjoyed it. If you are thinking of giving it a try, we will order the titles of the main saga from worst to best.

What are the best Metal Gear games?

Metal Gear I — 1987

It is the original seed of the saga and, in fact, the youngest may not know of its existence. It was not even famous at the time, but with subsequent deliveries it came to be revalued. The fact that it was released for MSX2 and that its gameplay was very different from the following ones did not help to popularize it. He has aged quite poorly and would be tedious to play, but his story is essential to the narrative of the franchise.

Metal Gear II: Solid Snake — 1990

It is an infinitely improved version of the previous one and it helped lay the foundations for what we would see in the coming years, with much more complex and fun stealth and espionage mechanics. It was, in fact, one of the best selling titles on the MSX2.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain — 2015

Graphically it is the most powerful of all. The open world was a great addition and the gameplay isn’t out of place, but the pieces of the puzzle don’t seem to fit like in previous installments and it looks like a nice indie game, but a mediocre Metal Gear game. Perhaps it was the chronicle of his announced death.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots — 2008

It was sold as the most prestigious exclusive of the PS3 and it really fulfilled its function, but it loses the spark of the saga and seems more like a fanservice dedicated to the most nostalgic. Even so, it was the work that gave meaning to the whole story and serves as the main base, with a veteran Snake whose skills we can make the most of thanks to his gameplay , which knew how to exploit the possibilities of the console.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty —2001

This work has a lot to cut, firstly, because it meant the premiere of some of the most iconic characters and secondly, because it knew how to get more out of the mechanics of the first installment of the Solid. Even so, it does not generate the same surprise and the weight of the protagonist is somewhat diluted.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater — 2004

There would be a thousand and one reasons to give gold to this installment that came out in several different generations, but there is one aspect that was not fully understood: having abandoned the chronological order to return to the origins of history. Except for that, everything else is pluperfect , like its innovative and complete gameplay, which greatly improved those seen so far and took better advantage of the spectacular environments in which the action took place.

Metal Gear Solid — 1998

At the time, there was no one who had the PlayStation 1 who hadn’t played it or seen someone play it. In a museum of the console, it would be among the most appreciated works , because it marked a before and after in the consideration of video games and that showed that they could be at the height of the great blockbusters of cinema, not only because of the creativity to when addressing its gameplay but also for its entertaining and addictive plot. Several details continue to make this a magnificent creation, such as the fight with Psychomantis, which forced you to put the controller on the second cartridge to trick him.

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